
HardQuery Report: Live Help feature

This post talks about the Live Help feature in HardQuery.

(CSDN July 13, 2006)

What is most useful feature in NixNewNer? For me, the answer is InDate, the auto-updater for CBC. Of course, it will be enhanced in the HardQuery versions.

So, what is new in HardQuery? I have a half-done plan in the beginning of this year and it is made valid yesterday. Yeah, now a new stage has begun. The first interesting and useful feature is named Live Help.

For those Castalia users, it is common when you press certain Castalia shortcut and a bubble tip is displayed. I like this feature very much, but I don’t know how to create a bubble window in .NET. Alternatively, I use the Doc Previewer form to do this task for CBC. All tips should be stored in some folder in HTML format, and loaded when a feature is activated.

Now a beta version is done but it does not look pretty (it works!!!). Wish I could soon find some beautiful path to finish this feature and give all of you a preview version.

Why this feature is useful? I think few of users (including me) has time to read a long enough manual to learn of all the features regularly. As a result, the tool should tell itself very well.

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