
GrapeVine Voice: Delphi Style Editor

This post talks about the Delphi style editor in CBC 6.0.

This is a post in the 6.0 New Features series, to promote my open source project.

When I published 6.0 on CodeGear Code Central, I put “Customize Your Unique Style” in the title. That is because from this version on, Delphi developers can customize coding style in CBC.

  1. Click LeXtudioOptionsPreferences to launch this dialogue.
  2. Click Configure button. You can customize the coding style here.

If you were a JCF user before you would feel familiar because the dialogue is just the same.

The problem here is that you cannot preview the style immediately but I would try my best to find a solution later.

© Lex Li. All rights reserved. The code included is licensed under CC BY 4.0 unless otherwise noted.