AddMany 4.1 Porting Notes
This post is about the porting of AddMany 4.1 to CBC 2.
(CSDN April 25, 2006)
Can only be built with AddMany copy local true. Cannot Link Units.
Purified Pascal implementation of OtaAddMany is “abstract”. So can not be used by CBC.
When distributing,
(merged version) andLextm.AddMany.dll
(wrapper) should be put in the same folder ofLextm.CodeBeautifierCollection.AddMany.dll
In delphi-produced AddMany, IDEPlugin class adds BDS menu items in its constructor. So I have to reimplement this constructor in order to add new items on CBC 2. The wrapper, Lextm.AddMany.dll
in delphi for .Net, contains a modified version of IDEPlugin which does this function. Lextm.CodeBeautifierCollection.AddMany.dll
is a plug in assembly which directly registers a feature to CBC 2 in C#.