Install Jexus Manager on Windows

By Lex Li

This page shows you how to install Jexus Manager on Windows.


Jexus Manager is currently in preview and primarily tested on Windows.

Supported Platforms

Jexus Manager requires a machine that meets the following requirements,

  • .NET Framework 4.6.2 or above is installed.

  • Windows 10 and above as client OS.

  • Windows Server 2012 and above as server OS.

MSI Based Installation

  1. Download the MSI installer JexusManager_arm64.msi or JexusManager_x64.msi from the latest release on GitHub to match your machine hardware.

  2. Install from the MSI installer.

  3. Launch Jexus Manager from Start menu.


If some conditions do not meet, the MSI installer will display an error message and indicate how to resolve them.

Portable Installation

In certain cases, you might not be able to execute the MSI installer on some machines (such as without administrator permissions). Then,

  1. Install Jexus Manager from the MSI installer on a spare machine with compatible hardware.

  2. Copy all files in the installation folder to the target machine.

  3. Double click JexusManager.exe to launch Jexus Manager.