
SharpDevelop on x64 Windows Issue

This post is about the issue I met when using SharpDevelop on Windows 7 x64 build 7000.

SharpDevelop is my main IDE when developing Code Beautifier Collection, Alex and #SNMP. But now as I use Windows 7 x64 build 7000 as my workstation at home, this IDE starts to show a few issues. Luckily the one I met today was documented in this old thread.

So here is the steps I took to make things work again.

  1. Launch an elevated Visual Studio Command Prompt (you may use .NET Framework 2.0 SDK Command Prompt if you don’t have VS installed).
  2. Navigate to PartCover folder. By default it should be C:\Program Files (x86)\SharpDevelop\3.0\Bin\Tools\PartCover.
  3. Execute corflags partcover.exe. Make sure that it shows 0 for 32BIT and 1 for Signed like mine.
  4. Execute corflags partcover.exe /32BIT+ /Force.
  5. Now execute corflag partcover.exe. If it shows 1 for 32BIT and 1 for Signed you are done.
  6. Download the snk file from this link. I choose C:\Users\lextm\Downloads\PartCover.Console.snk.
  7. Execute sn -R PartCover.exe c:\users\lextm\downloads\partcover.console.snk. This will resign the executable so it is strong named again.
  8. Execute corflags ..\NUnit\nunit-console.exe. Make sure that 32BIT is 0 and Signed is 0.
  9. Execute corflags ..\NUnit\nunit-console.exe /32BIT+.
  10. Execute corflags ..\NUnit\nunit-console.exe again. Now you are done if 32BIT is 1.

Good luck.

© Lex Li. All rights reserved. The code included is licensed under CC BY 4.0 unless otherwise noted.