How to Use NuGet on Mono, Part IV
This post described how we should patch NuGet so that it works better on Mono.
This post described how we should patch NuGet so that it works better on Mono.
This post talks about the license change of #SNMP Library.
Finally I learned how to run NuGet on Mono, so below is the updated steps to build #SNMP latest code base on Mono and openSUSE.
This post shows how to find out that Microsoft.Build.dll is missing.
In this part, we document how to get NuGet package restore working.
This post shows how to use NuGet on Mono.
This post talks about the new sample, BytesViewer, which is a very useful tool for learning and troubleshooting.
This post is a summary of my 2012 activities.
This post is about how I got start menu back in Windows 8 with free stuffs.
This post is about the story of adding RFC 3414 support in #SNMP.
This post is about how to compile Bouncy Castle on Mono/Linux.
This post is about #SNMP and Compact Framework.
This post is about #SNMP and PowerShell.
This post is about the beta package of #SNMP port to Mono for Android.
This post is about Windows Installer Service Breaking Change on Windows 8.