
Open Source 'Must Read' List From Me

This post is about my favorite books about open source.

Open Source 'Must Read' List From Me

In my opinion, there is few great books about open source out there published in China. And I was lucky enough to find out two free and great books during these years.

Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution

I spent a long time to find my first job opportunity when I was at college, so one of those days in late 2006 I happened to be near one of the biggest book stores in city of Wuhan. Therefore, I paid it a visit and found a copy of Open Sources on a shelf.

I thought it would be hard to read those words from technique geeks, but I was totally wrong. The book is so easy to understand and it was so much fun. You may take a look at it here for free. O’REILLY is such an amazing publishing company that it provides many great books for free.

But this great book is full of philosophy and history, so as a FOSS developer you get no idea how to play with open source yourself.

Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project

This must be the best guide to prepare yourself for open source projects. Once you understand the book, you can decide how to participate in the movement. I just found this book so I am not yet finished. Hope that I can finish soon. The greatness of this book is that Karl the author shows you the best practice so I can see what I did wrong in the past, and what to do right in the future. And, wow, this book is also published by O’REILLY .

I did not have chance to read other open source specific books, so if you have some recommendations, please leave a comment. Thanks.

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