
MonoDevelop for Windows

This post is about MonoDevelop for Windows.

It is reported that future versions of MonoDevelop will run on Mac OS X and Windows. That is nice news. But I wonder who will use MD on Windows? What more it can bring when SharpDevelop is already there.

And soon I figure out that SD focuses on Microsoft .NET more than Mono. Thus Mono support is limited in SD while MD is mainly targeting on Mono. So we can expect to use MD to target Mono more easily.

Even though I do not like GTK#, I think a cross platform MD is necessary. Yes, it could be a wonderful demo to show how open source .NET client applications can be. We already see several successful Mono based/supported applications, but most of them are still ASP.NET applications (MojoPortal) or mainly used on Linux (Banshee). Wish after porting MD, the community can port something else to Mac and Windows soon.

(Update: According to this post and this, a Windows installer will be available soon (as well as a Mac version).)

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Last updated on October 21, 2024