
CandyCan Opener: Bad News at Prime Time

This post is about my departure from the Code Beautifier Collection project.

Sorry guys, the bad news comes at last.

I felt excited when I started to read David Hervieux’s project, Sharp Builder Tools , so I dived in and upgraded it for later versions of Delphi. However, after I moved to Microsoft lately and worked as a support engineer, I found this new role takes on more responsibilities. At this moment I no longer have enough time to work on more than one open source projects. Due to this as well as several other reasons, I prefer to work on the youngest project #SNMP in the future, so Code Beautifier Collection is suspended.

Have to say that Embarcadero is such an amazing company who is determined to revive Delphi’s full potential. For me, it is really a pity that I cannot upgrade CBC to support its flagship product, Delphi 2009 .

Please understand that it is hard for me to make such a decision. If you are interested in this project and want to become its coordinator, simply send me a mail at [email protected]. After some discussions I can hand over this project to you.

Well, don’t feel too sad. When David left SBT in 2004, I was a little bit sad but suddenly realized that my time had come. If you like, try to take this offer from me. It will not bring you fame or fortune, but it can help you learn a lot and return some back to the community. :)

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Last updated on October 03, 2024