From user’s perspective, SNMP Simulator Control Plane has two loosely coupled APIs - Management and Metrics.
Simulator management#
To make sense of Management API, the user can follow Management OpenAPI specification to build REST API queries assembling “virtual laboratories” of SNMP agents.
The configurable components and their relationships is depicted on the following diagram:

Building a virtual laboratory involves creating one, then creating SNMP agent (with all its dependent components) and linking it to transport endpoints, on which the agent is listening for SNMP commands. Then linking this agent to the lab.
Recordings do not have any rigid linkage. Instead the recording is picked by the agent at run time based on SNMP message properties. The logic of mapping is guided by the selector abstraction (not yet implemented).
For example, this is the Management REST API call for creating a virtual laboratory:
$ curl -d '{
"name": "Test Lab"
}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X POST http://localhost:5000/snmpsim/mgmt/v1/labs
"_links": {
"collection": "/snmpsim/mgmt/v1/labs",
"self": "/snmpsim/mgmt/v1/labs/2"
"agents": [],
"id": 2,
"name": "Test Lab",
"power": "off"
Here is a shortened though operational example of configuring a simple virtual lab having one SNMP agent with one SNMPv3 user serving one simulation data recording:
# Example REST API based SNMP simulator bootstrapping
path="`dirname \"$0\"`"
. $path/
# Create a virtual lab
"name": "Test Lab"
lab_id=$(create_resource "$req" $ENDPOINT/labs) || exit 1
# Create a SNMP agent
"name": "Test SNMP agent",
"data_dir": "."
agent_id=$(create_resource "$req" $ENDPOINT/agents)
# Create a SNMP engine
"name": "Test SNMP engine"
engine_id=$(create_resource "$req" $ENDPOINT/engines)
# Create SNMP USM user
"name": "Test SNMP USM user (no crypto)",
"user": "simulator"
user_id=$(create_resource "$req" $ENDPOINT/users)
# Bind SNMP USM user to SNMP engine
update_resource $ENDPOINT/engines/$engine_id/user/$user_id
# Bind SNMP engine to SNMP agent
update_resource $ENDPOINT/agents/$agent_id/engine/$engine_id
# Create SNMP transport endpoint
"name": "Test SNMP transport endpoint (UDPv4 at localhost)",
"protocol": "udpv4",
"address": ""
endpoint_id=$(create_resource "$req" $ENDPOINT/endpoints)
# Bind SNMP transport endpoint to SNMP engine
update_resource $ENDPOINT/engines/$engine_id/endpoint/$endpoint_id
# Bind SNMP agent to virtual lab
update_resource $ENDPOINT/labs/$lab_id/agent/$agent_id
# Create new tag
"name": "Test tag"
tag_id=$(create_resource "$req" $ENDPOINT/tags)
# Tag all the created components
update_resource $ENDPOINT/tags/$tag_id/lab/$lab_id
update_resource $ENDPOINT/tags/$tag_id/agent/$agent_id
update_resource $ENDPOINT/tags/$tag_id/engine/$engine_id
update_resource $ENDPOINT/tags/$tag_id/endpoint/$endpoint_id
update_resource $ENDPOINT/tags/$tag_id/user/$user_id
# Upload a sample .snmprec file
cat > $snmprec_file <<EOF|4|Linux zeus #2 SMP Sun Nov 13 14:58:11 CDT 2016 i686|6||67:numeric|rate=100,initial=123999999|4|LeXtudio Inc., [email protected]|4:writecache| (you can change this!)|4|Toronto, Ontario, Canada|2|72|67:numeric|rate=100,initial=123999999
upload_recording $ENDPOINT/recordings/public.snmprec $snmprec_file
# Power ON the lab
update_resource $ENDPOINT/labs/$lab_id/power/on
# Delete everything we've created by tag & tag itself
#delete_resource $ENDPOINT/tags/$tag_id/objects
#delete_resource $ENDPOINT/tags/$tag_id
Direct links to the above script and its supporting library.
Gathering metrics#
Metrics part of Control Plane provides ever growing counters reflecting the operations of SNMP Simulator Command Responder instances running under the supervision of snmpsim-mgmt-supervisor tool.
Besides that, snmpsim-mgmt-supervisor process collects OS-level metrics on SNMP simulator instance processes.
The consumer of this service can follow Metrics OpenAPI specification to build queries requesting slices of data.
SNMP agent metrics#
To get overall simulated SNMP agents activity:
$ curl
"_links": {
"filters": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages/filters",
"self": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages?"
"failures": 0,
"pdus": 12497405,
"var_binds": 14045935,
"variations": [
"name": "numeric",
"failures": 0,
"total": 38644
"name": "writecache",
"failures": 0,
"total": 13361
To discover available filtering criteria:
$ curl
"context_engine_id": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages/filters/context_engine_id",
"context_name": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages/filters/context_name",
"engine_id": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages/filters/engine_id",
"local_address": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages/filters/local_address",
"pdu_type": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages/filters/pdu_type",
"peer_address": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages/filters/peer_address",
"protocol": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages/filters/protocol",
"recording": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages/filters/recording",
"security_level": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages/filters/security_level",
"security_model": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages/filters/security_model"
Zero or more of filtering criteria can then be added to the query string to compute metrics for queries matching all given criteria at once:
All SNMPv3 queries so far:
$ curl
"_links": {
"filters": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages/filters",
"self": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages?security_model=3"
"failures": 0,
"pdus": 1366419,
"var_binds": 1672112,
"variations": [
"name": "numeric",
"failures": 0,
"total": 4057
"name": "writecache",
"failures": 0,
"total": 2364
How many SNMP commands have been received over UDP/IPv6 targeting SNMP communities SNMPv3 context names public and private:
$ curl\&recording=public.snmprec\&recording=private.snmprec
"_links": {
"filters": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages/filters",
"self": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/activity/messages?protocol=udpv6&recording=public.snmprec"
"failures": 0,
"pdus": 1423,
"var_binds": 1692,
"variations": []
Process metrics#
Process management metrics are taken at the OS-level, they have no ties with SNMP whatsoever.
Supervisor tool metrics can be seen like this:
$ curl
"_links": {
"collection": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/supervisors",
"self": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/supervisors/1"
"hostname": "igarlic",
"processes": [
"_links": {
"self": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/processes/1"
"path": "/opt/snmpsim/supervised/"
"started": "2020-01-24T17:33:13+00:00",
"watch_dir": "/opt/snmpsim/supervised"
To get specific SNMP simulator instance process metrics:
$ curl
"_links": {
"collection": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/processes",
"self": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/processes/1"
"changes": 3,
"console_pages": {
"_links": {
"self": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/processes/1/console"
"count": 12,
"last_update": "2020-01-24T17:36:13+00:00"
"cpu": 12,
"endpoints": {
"_links": {
"self": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/processes/1/endpoints"
"count": 4
"exits": 0,
"files": 4,
"id": 1,
"last_update": "2020-01-24T17:36:14+00:00",
"memory": 4178,
"path": "/opt/snmpsim/supervised/",
"runtime": 60,
"supervisor": {
"_links": {
"collection": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/supervisors",
"self": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/supervisors/1"
"hostname": "igarlic",
"watch_dir": "/opt/snmpsim/supervised"
"update_interval": 15
Network interfaces and ports bound by SNMP simulator process can be requested:
$ curl
"_links": {
"collection": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/processes/1/endpoints",
"self": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/processes/1/endpoints/1"
"address": "::1:161",
"process": {
"_links": {
"self": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/processes/1"
"path": "/opt/snmpsim/supervised/"
"protocol": "udpv6"
Simulator process console output is collected and served:
$ curl
"_links": {
"collection": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/processes/1/console",
"self": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/processes/1/console/1"
"process": {
"_links": {
"self": "/snmpsim/metrics/v1/processes/1"
"path": "/opt/snmpsim/supervised/"
"text": "Initializing variation modules...\n\
--- SNMP Engine configuration\n\
SNMPv3 EngineID: 0x80004fb805696761726c6963761cb1b8\n\
--- Simulation data recordings configuration\n\
SNMPv3 Context Engine ID: 0x80004fb805696761726c6963761cb1b8\n\
Scanning "/opt/snmpsim/data" directory for *.sapwalk, *.dump, *.MVC, *.snmprec, *.snm",\n",
"timestamp": "2020-01-24T17:35:14+00:00"
Metrics collection is a periodic, discreet process, by default metrics traveling through the collection pipeline hit REST API DB every 15 seconds.