MIB object calls REST API#
In this configuration, SNMP responder serves a scalar MIB object backed by a REST API.
You could test this configuration by running:
$ snmpget -v2c -c public SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0
SNMP Command Responder is configured to:
listen on UDP socket at localhost
form a MIB tree out of a few objects of the SNMPv2-MIB module
respond to SNMPv2c queries
serve all queries against the configured MIB tree
# SNMP Command Responder configuration file
config-version: 1
program-name: snmpresponder
snmp-credentials-group {
snmp-engine-id: 0x0102030405070809
snmp-community-name: public
snmp-security-name: public
snmp-security-model: 2
snmp-security-level: 1
snmp-credentials-id: snmp-credentials
context-group {
snmp-context-engine-id-pattern: .*?
snmp-context-name-pattern: .*?
snmp-context-id: any-context
content-group {
snmp-pdu-type-pattern: .*?
snmp-pdu-oid-prefix-pattern-list: .*?
snmp-content-id: any-content
peers-group {
snmp-bind-address-pattern-list: .*?
snmp-peer-address-pattern-list: .*?
snmp-peer-id: 100
managed-objects-group {
mib-text-search-path-list: http://mibs.pysnmp.com/asn1/
mib-code-modules-pattern-list: ${config-dir}/managed-objects/.*py[co]?
mib-tree-id: managed-objects-1
routing-map {
matching-snmp-context-id-list: any-context
matching-snmp-content-id-list: any-content
matching-snmp-credentials-id-list: snmp-credentials
matching-snmp-peer-id-list: 100
using-mib-tree-id: managed-objects-1
configuration file.
The only implemented managed object SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0:
gathers its value from a REST API call
REST API call is done asynchronously, from separate thread(s)
only SNMP read operations are implemented
write operation are allowed, but has no effect
"""SNMP MIB module (SNMPv2-MIB) expressed in pysnmp data model.
This Python module is designed to be imported and executed by the
pysnmp library.
See https://www.pysnmp.com/pysnmp for further information.
ASN.1 source file:///usr/share/snmp/mibs/SNMPv2-MIB.txt
Produced by pysmi-0.4.0 at Sun Jan 13 09:39:06 2019
On host igarlic platform Darwin version 17.7.0 by user ilya
Using Python version 3.6.0 (v3.6.0:41df79263a11, Dec 22 2016, 17:23:13)
import concurrent.futures
import urllib.request
import json
if 'mibBuilder' not in globals():
import sys
MibScalarInstance, = mibBuilder.importSymbols(
# Import Managed Objects to base Managed Objects Instances on
(sysName,) = mibBuilder.importSymbols(
# Persistent threaded executor
executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5)
def load_url(url, timeout):
with urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=timeout) as conn:
return json.loads(conn.read())
# MIB Managed Objects in the order of their OIDs
class SysnameObjectInstance(MibScalarInstance):
REDFISH_SYSTEM_URL = 'http://demo.pysnmp.com/redfish/v1/Systems/437XR1138R2'
def readTest(self, varBind, **context):
# Just confirm that this MIB object instance is available
cbFun = context['cbFun']
cbFun(varBind, **context)
def _callRestApi(self, varBind, **context):
cbFun = context['cbFun']
name, value = varBind
future = executor.submit(load_url, self.REDFISH_SYSTEM_URL, 5)
def done_callback(future):
rsp = future.result()
value = self.syntax.clone(rsp.get('HostName', ''))
cbFun((name, value), **context)
def readGet(self, varBind, **context):
self._callRestApi(varBind, **context)
def readTestNext(self, varBind, **context):
name, value = varBind
if name >= self.name:
# This object does not qualify as "next*, pass the call
MibScalarInstance.readTestNext(self, varBind, **context)
# Confirm this object is available and report its OID
cbFun = context['cbFun']
cbFun((self.name, value), **context)
def readGetNext(self, varBind, **context):
name, value = varBind
if name >= self.name:
# This object does not qualify as "next*, pass the call
MibScalarInstance.readGetNext(self, varBind, **context)
self._callRestApi((self.name, value), **context)
_sysName = SysnameObjectInstance(
# Export Managed Objects Instances to the MIB builder
**{"sysName": _sysName}
MIB implementation.
For more information on MIB implementation refer to the MIB implementation chapter in the documentation.