Trunk connection over IPv6#

In some settings it may be desired to span SNMP Proxy Forwarder across IPv6 network. The SNMP traffic is independent, it can run over IPv4 or IPv6 network.

To configure trunk connection over IPv6 network, IPv6 addresses should be set to all the trunk addressing options e.g. trunk-bind-address, trunk-bind-address trunk-peer-address and trunk-peer-address.

Server configuration#

Server is configured to:

  • listen on UDP socket at localhost

  • respond to queries performed over SNMPv2c

  • forward all queries to snmpfwd client through an unencrypted trunk connection running in client mode over IPv6 network

# SNMP forwarder: Agent part configuration

config-version: 2
program-name: snmpfwd-server

snmp-credentials-group {

  snmp-engine-id: 0x0102030405070809

  snmp-community-name: public
  snmp-security-name: public
  snmp-security-model: 2
  snmp-security-level: 1

  snmp-credentials-id: snmp-credentials

context-group {
  snmp-context-engine-id-pattern: .*?
  snmp-context-name-pattern: .*?

  snmp-context-id: any-context

content-group {
  snmp-pdu-type-pattern: .*?
  snmp-pdu-oid-prefix-pattern-list: .*?

  snmp-content-id: any-content

peers-group {
  snmp-bind-address-pattern-list: .*?
  snmp-peer-address-pattern-list: .*?

  snmp-peer-id: 100

trunking-group {
  trunk-bind-address: [::1]
  trunk-peer-address: [::1]:30301
  trunk-ping-period: 60
  trunk-connection-mode: client

  trunk-id: trunk-1

routing-map {
  matching-snmp-context-id-list: any-context
  matching-snmp-content-id-list: any-content

  matching-snmp-credentials-id-list: snmp-credentials
  matching-snmp-peer-id-list: 100

  using-trunk-id-list: trunk-1

Download server configuration file.

Client configuration#

Client is configured to:

  • listen on server-mode unencrypted trunk connection at a IPv6 network

  • process all incoming SNMP messages in the same way

  • run command request (and response) PDUs through the logger plugin

  • place inbound PDUs into SNMP v2c messages and forward them to public SNMP agent running at

# SNMP forwarder: Manager part configuration

config-version: 2
program-name: snmpfwd-client

peers-group {
  snmp-engine-id: 0x0102030405070809


  # time out SNMP request in 1 second
  snmp-peer-timeout: 100
  snmp-peer-retries: 0

  snmp-community-name: public
  snmp-security-name: public
  snmp-security-model: 2
  snmp-security-level: 1

  snmp-peer-id: snmplabs

trunking-group {
  trunk-bind-address: [::1]:30301
  trunk-ping-period: 60
  trunk-connection-mode: server

  trunk-id: <discover>

original-snmp-peer-info-group {
  orig-snmp-bind-address-pattern: .*?
  orig-snmp-context-name-pattern: .*?

  orig-snmp-pdu-type-pattern: .*?
  orig-snmp-oid-prefix-pattern: .*?

  orig-snmp-engine-id-pattern: .*?
  orig-snmp-context-engine-id-pattern: .*?

  orig-snmp-transport-domain-pattern: .*?
  orig-snmp-peer-address-pattern: .*?

  orig-snmp-security-level-pattern: .*?

  orig-snmp-security-name-pattern: .*?
  orig-snmp-security-model-pattern: .*?

  orig-snmp-peer-id: manager-1

server-classification-group {
  server-snmp-credentials-id-pattern: .*?
  server-snmp-context-id-pattern: .*?
  server-snmp-content-id-pattern: .*?
  server-snmp-peer-id-pattern: .*?

  server-classification-id: any-classification

routing-map {
  matching-trunk-id-list: trunk-1
  matching-orig-snmp-peer-id-list: manager-1
  matching-server-classification-id-list: any-classification

  using-snmp-peer-id-list: snmplabs

Download client configuration file.