# # SNMP Proxy Forwarder: logger plugin configuration # [general] # log into a file #method: file # log through syslog #method: syslog # log into main process log #method: snmpfwd # inhibit any logging #method: null # logging level: debug, info, error #level: info [file] # log into this file destination: /tmp/snmpfwd-brief.log # use time-based file rotation #rotation: timed # keep up to this number of logs upon rotation #backupcount: 30 # rotate each day #timescale: D #interval: 1 [syslog] # syslog transport: udp, tcp, socket or path to syslog socket #transport: socket # syslog facility (see `man syslog`) #facility: daemon # use non-local syslog #host: localhost # non-default syslog port #port: 514 [content] # log these PDU types #pdus: GetRequest GetNextRequest SetRequest GetBulkRequest InformRequest SNMPv2Trap Response # log message template #template: ${isotime} ${callflow-id} ${snmp-peer-address} ${snmp-pdu-type} ${snmp-var-binds} # values in var-binds can be surrounded by these tokens #parentheses: " "