Consulting Service#

If you need to consult on projects maintained by LeXtudio and would like to receive technical guidance, this service is for you.

Products Covered#

The following products are covered by this service,

  • #SNMP Pro and Library

  • PySNMP, PySMI, snmpsim, and other PySNMP ecosystem components

  • Obfuscar

  • DockPanel Suite

  • Jexus Manager

  • PHP Manager for IIS

  • reStructuredText for Visual Studio Code

  • Other projects backed by LeXtudio


Each products has its own supported releases and underlying platforms. Thus, verify that before buying this service.

General Topics Covered#

The following areas are covered by this service,

  • SNMP and MIB

  • Mono.Cecil

  • IIS (8/8.5/10) and IIS Express

  • .NET debugging and performance tuning

  • reStructuredText and Sphinx

  • VSTS and Azure App Service

  • Windows installer for apps (WiX or Inno Setup)

  • macOS installer for apps (pkg)

Standard Process#

  1. Leave a message on our homepage <> or write to our support mailbox with the issue you would like to discuss.


    Due to technical difficulty and resource restraints, not all support requests can be fulfilled. So writing to us before making a purchase to avoid unnecessary refund processes, which has extra cost.

  2. Our support team reply and set a scope for the support ticket.


    If a specific scope cannot be set, this ticket will be cancelled and no support will be provided.

  3. Fees and other expenses will be discussed further.


    While bugfix service charges by incidents, consulting service is charged by hours, which can be more expensive.

  4. LeXtudio starts to work on the ticket till its closure.