Hacking the Source Code

By Lex Li

Build from source

  1. Clone the repo to a local path such as /Users/someuser/vscode-restructuredtext.

  2. Navigate to this folder.

  3. Resolve Node.js dependencies via yarn install .

  4. Build via yarn compile .

  5. Configure Sphinx following Configuration .

  6. Run VS Code from this folder via code . .

  7. In this editing VS Code instance, press F5 to start a debugging instance.

cd /Users/someuser
git clone https://github.com/vscode-restructuredtext/vscode-restructuredtext.git
cd vscode-restructuredtext
yarn install
yarn compile
code .


To configure the code command, please follow this guide .

You can now open a test folder in this debugging instance.

Debugging with Esbonio


Starting from version 190.1.17, this feature is removed. You will be recommended to install Esbonio extension instead. To learn more about how to configure Esbonio, you can visit this site.

Publish to Marketplace

To publish this extension, use vsce .

cd /Users/someuser
git clone https://github.com/vscode-restructuredtext/vscode-restructuredtext.git
cd vscode-restructuredtext
vsce publish