SET Operation#

async pysnmp.hlapi.v1arch.asyncio.setCmd(snmpDispatcher: SnmpDispatcher, authData: CommunityData, transportTarget: AbstractTransportTarget, *varBinds: ObjectType, **options) tuple[pysnmp.proto.errind.ErrorIndication | None, pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.Integer32 | str | int | None, pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.Integer32 | int | None, tuple[pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.ObjectType, ...]]#

Creates a generator to perform SNMP SET query.

When iterator gets advanced by asyncio main loop, SNMP SET request is sent (RFC 1905#section-4.2.5). The iterator yields asyncio.Future which gets done whenever response arrives or error occurs.

  • snmpDispatcher (SnmpDispatcher) – Class instance representing asynio-based asynchronous event loop and associated state information.

  • authData (CommunityData) – Class instance representing SNMPv1/v2c credentials.

  • transportTarget (UdpTransportTarget or) – Udp6TransportTarget Class instance representing transport type along with SNMP peer address.

  • *varBinds (tuple of OID-value pairs or ObjectType) – One or more class instances representing MIB variables to place into SNMP request.


The SnmpDispatcher object may be expensive to create, therefore it is advised to maintain it for the lifecycle of the application/thread for as long as possible.

Other Parameters:

**options – Request options:

  • lookupMib - load MIB and resolve response MIB variables at the cost of slightly reduced performance. Default is False, unless ObjectType is present among varBinds in which case lookupMib gets automatically enabled.

  • errorIndication (str) – True value indicates SNMP engine error.

  • errorStatus (str) – True value indicates SNMP PDU error.

  • errorIndex (int) – Non-zero value refers to varBinds[errorIndex-1]

  • varBinds (tuple) – A sequence of OID-value pairs in form of base SNMP types (if lookupMib is False) or ObjectType class instances (if lookupMib is True) representing MIB variables returned in SNMP response.


PySnmpError – Or its derivative indicating that an error occurred while performing SNMP operation.


>>> import asyncio
>>> from pysnmp.hlapi.v1arch.asyncio import *
>>> async def run():
...     errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = await setCmd(
...         SnmpDispatcher(),
...         CommunityData('public'),
...         await UdpTransportTarget.create(('', 161)),
...         ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysDescr', 0), 'Linux i386')
...     )
...     print(errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds)
(None, 0, 0, [ObjectType(ObjectIdentity(ObjectName('')), DisplayString('Linux i386'))])