Managing PHP installations with PHP Manager command line

By Ruslan Yakushev

This article describes how to use PHP Manager command line.


Make sure you install PHP Manager for IIS properly following Installation on Windows .

After installation is complete, launch the Windows PowerShell command line window in an elevated mode (right-click and select “Run as Administrator”). After that type the following command:

Add-PsSnapin PHPManagerSnapin

This will register the PHP Manager powershell cmdlets that can be used to setup and configure PHP installation from command line.

To get the list of available cmdlets use Get-Command cmdlet:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-Command -Module phpmanagersnapin

CommandType     Name                                                Definition
-----------     ----                                                ----------
Cmdlet          Get-PHPConfiguration                                Get-PHPConfiguration [-SiteName <String>] [-Virt...
Cmdlet          Get-PHPExtension                                    Get-PHPExtension [[-Name] <String>] [[-Status] <...
Cmdlet          Get-PHPSetting                                      Get-PHPSetting [[-Name] <String>] [-Section <Str...
Cmdlet          Get-PHPVersion                                      Get-PHPVersion [[-HandlerName] <String>] [[-Vers...
Cmdlet          New-PHPSetting                                      New-PHPSetting [-Name] <String> [-Value] <String...
Cmdlet          New-PHPVersion                                      New-PHPVersion [-ScriptProcessor] <String> [-Sit...
Cmdlet          Remove-PHPSetting                                   Remove-PHPSetting [-Name] <String> [-Force] [-Si...
Cmdlet          Set-PHPExtension                                    Set-PHPExtension [-Name] <String[]> [-Status] <P...
Cmdlet          Set-PHPSetting                                      Set-PHPSetting [-Name] <String> [-Value] <String...
Cmdlet          Set-PHPVersion                                      Set-PHPVersion [-HandlerName] <String> [-SiteNam...

To learn what each cmdlet does use Get-Help cmdlet:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> get-help Get-PHPExtension


    Gets the list of PHP extensions available in the currently active PHP version.

   Get-PHPExtension [[-Name] <String>] [[-Status] <PHPExtensionStatus>] [-SiteName <String>] [-VirtualPath <String>] [

    The Get-PHPExtension cmdlet outputs the list of all PHP extensions available in the currently active PHP version. T
    he list can be filtered by extension name and by the status (enabled or disabled).


    To see the examples, type: "get-help Get-PHPExtension -examples".
    For more information, type: "get-help Get-PHPExtension -detailed".
    For technical information, type: "get-help Get-PHPExtension -full".

Registering PHP with IIS

To register a new PHP version with IIS, first you need to download the zip archive with PHP binaries from and then extract the files from it into a folder of your choice.


You can also install PHP by using Web Platform Installer or the Windows installer from - the PHP Manager can be used to manage those PHP installations as well.

In the PowerShell command line window type while providing the absolute path to the location where you have extracted PHP binaries:

New-PHPVersion -ScriptProcessor "<absolute path to php-cgi.exe>"

To get information about the registered PHP version use Get-PHPConfiguraiton command:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-PHPConfiguration

HandlerName              : php-5.3.6
Version                  : 5.3.6
ScriptProcessor          : C:\php\536\php-cgi.exe
HandlerType              : Local
ErrorLog                 : C:\Windows\Temp\php-5.3.6_errors.log
PHPIniFilePath           : C:\php\536\php.ini
InstalledExtensionsCount : 35
EnabledExtensionsCount   : 9

Switching between PHP versions

To get the list of PHP versions registered with IIS use the Get-PHPVersion command:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-PHPVersion

HandlerName                   Version                       ScriptProcessor                                      Active
-----------                   -------                       ---------------                                      ------
php-5.3.6                     5.3.6                         C:\php\536\php-cgi.exe                                 True
PHP53_via_FastCGI             5.3.6                         C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP...                         False

To switch the version use Set-PHPVersion. After that use Get-PHPVersion command to check if the change took effect:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-PHPVersion -HandlerName php53_via_fastcgi
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-PHPVersion

HandlerName                   Version                       ScriptProcessor                                      Active
-----------                   -------                       ---------------                                      ------
PHP53_via_FastCGI             5.3.6                         C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP...                          True
php-5.3.6                     5.3.6                         C:\php\536\php-cgi.exe                                False

Configuring PHP settings

To get the list PHP configuration settings and their values use Get-PHPSetting command. By default it will output a long list of all available settings, so it is a good idea to filter the output by using wildcard pattern for setting name or section name. For example, the following command will output all settings from MySQL session:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-PHPSetting -Section mysql

Name                                    Value                                   Section
----                                    -----                                   -------
mysql.allow_local_infile                On                                      MySQL
mysql.allow_persistent                  On                                      MySQL
mysql.cache_size                        2000                                    MySQL
mysql.max_persistent                    -1                                      MySQL
mysql.max_links                         -1                                      MySQL
mysql.default_port                      <Not set>                               MySQL
mysql.default_socket                    <Not set>                               MySQL
mysql.default_host                      <Not set>                               MySQL
mysql.default_user                      <Not set>                               MySQL
mysql.default_password                  <Not set>                               MySQL
mysql.connect_timeout                   60                                      MySQL
mysql.trace_mode                        Off                                     MySQL

This command will output all settings which have word “error” in their names:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-PHPSetting -Name *error*

Name                                    Value                                   Section
----                                    -----                                   -------
error_reporting                         E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED                   PHP
display_errors                          Off                                     PHP
display_startup_errors                  Off                                     PHP
log_errors                              On                                      PHP
log_errors_max_len                      1024                                    PHP
ignore_repeated_errors                  Off                                     PHP
track_errors                            Off                                     PHP
html_errors                             Off                                     PHP
mssql.min_error_severity                10                                      MSSQL
error_log                               C:\Windows\temp\php53_errors.log        WebPIChanges

To change the value of an existing setting use Set-PHPSetting command:

Set-PHPSetting -Name display_errors -Value On

To add a new setting use New-PHPSetting command:

New-PHPSetting -Name wincache.debuglevel -Value 101 -Section wincache

To remove an existing setting use Remove-PHPSetting command.

Enabling and Disabling PHP extensions

To get the list of currently installed extension use Get-PHPExtension command:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-PHPExtension

Name                                                                                 Status
----                                                                                 ------
php_mysql.dll                                                                        Enabled
php_mysqli.dll                                                                       Enabled
php_mbstring.dll                                                                     Enabled
php_gd2.dll                                                                          Enabled
php_gettext.dll                                                                      Enabled
php_curl.dll                                                                         Enabled
php_exif.dll                                                                         Enabled
php_xmlrpc.dll                                                                       Enabled
php_openssl.dll                                                                      Enabled
php_soap.dll                                                                         Enabled
php_pdo_mysql.dll                                                                    Enabled
php_pdo_sqlite.dll                                                                   Enabled
php_pdo_sqlsrv.dll                                                                   Enabled
php_imap.dll                                                                         Enabled
php_tidy.dll                                                                         Enabled
php_wincache.dll                                                                     Enabled
php_bz2.dll                                                                         Disabled
php_enchant.dll                                                                     Disabled
php_fileinfo.dll                                                                    Disabled
php_gmp.dll                                                                         Disabled
php_interbase.dll                                                                   Disabled
php_intl.dll                                                                        Disabled
php_ldap.dll                                                                        Disabled
php_oci8.dll                                                                        Disabled
php_oci8_11g.dll                                                                    Disabled
php_pdo_firebird.dll                                                                Disabled
php_pdo_oci.dll                                                                     Disabled
php_pdo_odbc.dll                                                                    Disabled
php_pdo_pgsql.dll                                                                   Disabled
php_pgsql.dll                                                                       Disabled
php_shmop.dll                                                                       Disabled
php_snmp.dll                                                                        Disabled
php_sockets.dll                                                                     Disabled
php_sqlite.dll                                                                      Disabled
php_sqlite3.dll                                                                     Disabled
php_sybase_ct.dll                                                                   Disabled
php_xsl.dll                                                                         Disabled

To enable or disable an extension use Set-PHPExtension command:

Set-PHPExtension -Name php_enchant.dll -Status enabled

To enable all pdo extension use this command:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-PHPExtension -Name *pdo* | Set-PHPExtension -Status enabled
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-PHPExtension -Name *pdo*

Name                                                                               Status
----                                                                               ------
php_pdo_mysql.dll                                                                  Enabled
php_pdo_sqlite.dll                                                                 Enabled
php_pdo_sqlsrv.dll                                                                 Enabled
php_pdo_firebird.dll                                                               Enabled
php_pdo_oci.dll                                                                    Enabled
php_pdo_odbc.dll                                                                   Enabled
php_pdo_pgsql.dll                                                                  Enabled

Managing PHP on a site or a folder level

All the PHP Manager cmdlets described in above examples can be applied on a site, application or a folder levels in IIS. This can be done by using the SiteName and VirtualPath parameters. The following example demonstrates how to change the PHP version for the directory “test” under “Default Web Site”:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-PHPVersion -SiteName "Default Web Site" -VirtualPath "test"

HandlerName                   Version                       ScriptProcessor                                      Active
-----------                   -------                       ---------------                                      ------
php-5.2.17                    5.2.17                        C:\php\5217\php-cgi.exe                                True
php-5.3.6                     5.3.6                         C:\php\536\php-cgi.exe                                False

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-PHPVersion -HandlerName php-5.3.6 -SiteName "Default Web Site" -VirtualPath "test"
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-PHPVersion -SiteName "Default Web Site" -VirtualPath "test"

HandlerName                   Version                       ScriptProcessor                                      Active
-----------                   -------                       ---------------                                      ------
php-5.3.6                     5.3.6                         C:\php\536\php-cgi.exe                                 True
php-5.2.17                    5.2.17                        C:\php\5217\php-cgi.exe                               Fals