
#SNMP Library, Gaps Filled in SNMP v3 Support

If you have been using #SNMP Library for a while, you should know that our SNMP v3 support has significant gaps, that only DES and AES 128 are supported as privacy protocols.

It is not a secret that the original v3 support was borrowed from SNMP#NET project, as both share the same open source license. At that time, I only ported DES and AES 128 as experiments.

Over the weekend, I published the 10.0.6 release, which finally ships AES 192/256 and TripleDES, as alternative privacy protocols.

SNMP#NET is now a project on the verge of being abandoned, as

  • Its last official release by Milan Sinadinovic was 0.9.4 on April 14, 2014 (4 years ago).
  • Qinxiao Ren created a fork and released 0.9.5 on March 1, 2017. He/she also released the corresponding NuGet packages on

Not sure if there would be any new release of that project, so it is time to fill the gaps and make #SNMP Library a full option for SNMP#NET users to migrate to (if they like).

Not to mention #SNMP Pro provides more features for enterprise users. More information can be found at here.

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Last updated on June 24, 2024