
#SNMP Design: Laziness and Craziness

This post talks about the progress of #SNMP 1.0 release.

Lately I have been fighting against the heat around me at home because it is so hot here at Shanghai this summer. Therefore, I did not add new stuffs to the browser. However, did you notice the updates in SNMP v2 support inside the library such as exceptions and TRAP v2 support? Sometimes I feel it much easier to add things in a library than an application.

After so many changes underlying, I think now it is time to prepare the 1.0 release of #SNMP. In the current plan, this release still focuses on the library itself (the browser and other samples are only available in source code form). And I’d like to release the first full feature MIB browser in a new release called TwinTower (1.5).

Stay tuned.

© Lex Li. All rights reserved. The code included is licensed under CC BY 4.0 unless otherwise noted.