
Product Review: QC Plus 1.0

This post is a product review of QC Plus 1.0.

I have submitted bug reports to both Microsoft and Borland/CodeGear. The experiences are completely different.

However, using QC client distributed with RAD Studio is quite inconvenient because the user interface is really ugly (sorry Nick, it is not your fault). So I turned to QC Plus once but it failed me too.

Yesterday, I finally decided to have a try of latest QC Plus 1.0 release. Wow, it is now fabulous! Because Visual Studio docking style layout is used, now I can navigate easily to see information I like.

Do you remember that I just updated Project E like this? Although Microsoft does not create a lot of great UI elements in its products like Vista, some UI elements it invents for Visual Studio .NET, Office are standard and rational. Therefore if you don’t have the time and energy to design something really innovative, follow Microsoft’s style is simply OK.

BTW, I met an issue with QC yesterday when I tried to fire a report for Windows Vista (I am on Windows Vista). This issue broke both QC Plus and CodeGear official client. So you must always specify the platform options to All Windows so as to work it around.

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