
GrapeVine Voice: Unhandled Exceptions Revisited, Part II

This post talks about how to handle unhandled exceptions.

This is a customized exception dialogue I wrote based on Vitaly Zayko’s UnhandledExDlgForm. I did not replace UnhandledExceptionManager.dll because Vitaly’s implementation cannot work well on Windows Vista (the exception is caught by Vista instead of Vitaly’s class).

Compared to original exception dialogue, this customisation allows users to send reports to me. If Send Error Report button is pressed, then an email will be generated.

To summarize, there are several ways to implement a reporter like this.

ReSharper uses a web service maintained by JetBrains. Windows error reporting is similar. However, I do not have resources to build such a web service.

The second way is to send a mail by SMTP. I tried but I found that I need to register another mail box for CBC in order to keep my personal mail boxes safe and I have to publish the password because I could not hide it. Thus, I gave it up.

At last, I know I can use this article to setup a mail message. So that is how I enable Send Error Report button.

© Lex Li. All rights reserved. The code included is licensed under CC BY 4.0 unless otherwise noted.