
GrapeVine Voice: Delphi 2009 Support Is Coming

This post talks about the new release for Delphi 2009.

It is not too hard to migrate Code Beautifier Collection 6.0 to Delphi 2009, but suddenly support to Delphi 2007 breaks. Maybe CodeGear guys have changed Tools API heavily this time, so there is no way to compile one version of CBC to support both 2007 and 2009. Because now I have very limited resources to work on CBC, it is hard for me to prepare install packages for both IDE versions, from now on I am forced to stop further development for Delphi 2007.

I am really sorry for this. Now Delphi 2009 users can expect a new release for them in weeks after I successfully installed Delphi 2009. Stay tuned.

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