BigDipper Light: Latest NuGet Packages
This post is about the latest NuGet packages for #SNMP.
#SNMP started to provide 7.0 NuGet package last October. It was my first attempt, so there were a few issues with that package,
- Dependency on log4net was not explicitly listed.
- Only assemblies for .NET 3.5 were provided.
Therefore, after learning how to do better NuGet packaging for Crad’s ActionList for .NET, I decided to apply the tips to #SNMP. So now you can see an updated #SNMP package versioned This number is for the NuGet package, as the binary version number is still #SNMP 7.0 RTW version number. It contains the following changes,
- Explicitly depends on log4net 1.2.10.
- Assemblies for both .NET 3.5 and 4.0 are included.
About how to install it, you can refer to
To accompany #SNMP 7.5 RC2, another NuGet package is also published, which contains the latest binaries,
It depends on log4net 2.0 and ANTLR C# runtime 3.4.1.