
BigDipper Light: Compiler Status Update

This post is about the status of the new compiler for #SNMP.

A long time ago I announced that we will use ANTLR or other compiler framework to build a new MIB compiler. However, that approach did not work out as soon as I expected. It takes time to learn ANTLR and the tricks to play with them.

Here I simply announce two important pieces of news,

  • I finally get familiar with ANTLR ABCs and will be fully focusing on it in the coming weeks. Therefore, we are closer to a new compiler than any time before.
  • The old compiler just received its final revisions of improvements in the past few weeks,

As a result, I will soon release #SNMP 7.5 and then start hacking on ANTLR again.

Stay tuned.

© Lex Li. All rights reserved. The code included is licensed under CC BY 4.0 unless otherwise noted.